Sheri’s SculpSure Story

I was very excited when our office got SculpSure. It’s a new way to kill fat in stubborn trouble spots, and I was offered the opportunity to try it out! I’ve always been embarrassed of my fat knees. I have naturally stocky legs, but I felt like the inner knee area bulged out more than what’s normal. It makes me not want to wear short skirts or shorts. I have exercised regularly for years but that area just wouldn’t go away!

I found the SculpSure treatment to be quite easy. A belt holding the treatment frames was attached to my legs and, after thorough explanation, the treatment began. I didn’t know what to expect pain- or sensation-wise. I could feel periods of deep heat alternated with cooling, and even felt more on one side than the other. After 25 minutes it was all done and I could go back to work. No downtime! I did not experience any bruising, only slight tenderness for about a week or so, which I only noticed when I massaged the area as instructed. It’s been three months since the treatment and I just had my follow up pictures taken. There is definitely a noticeable improvement! I can’t wait to do my second treatment!