5280 Reset Facial

Reset your skin

Let the trained professionals at Aesthetics by Design reset your skin with our unique multidimensional facial package. The 5280 Reset facial utilizes the power of light with an intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial to help lessen hyperpigmentation and reduce overall facial redness. A medium depth blended peel product that includes TCA, phenol, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid and retinoic acid in precise concentrations is then applied to accelerate cell turnover to reveal smoother, more even toned skin.

A post-care kit is sent home with patients to both expedite the peeling process and calm possible irritation. After the initial treatment, a patient will revisit the office 10-14 days later for a dermaplane to remove any stubborn dry skin to reveal a more radiant complexion. This multifaceted treatment does have some downtime that ranges from 7-10 days but varies greatly from person to person. This procedure is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your overall skin or to hone in on specific issues like sun damage.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Overview

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-laser light-based energy treatment primarily used to improve pigmentary and vascular skin imperfections. IPL differs from laser treatments in that it uses a broad bandwidth light (BBL). Intense pulsed light was developed in the late 1990s as a treatment for a variety of aging skin conditions. It is considered by skin care professionals to be very effective yet safe.

IPL has stood the test of time as one of the best clinical skin care treatments available in a medical spa setting; you can find IPL treatments at Aesthetic by Design’s Denver medispa. It is also referred to as Photofacial, Photo Facial or even BBL.

Chemical Peel Overview


A chemical peel is a skin treatment procedure used for rejuvenation, most commonly performed on the face, neck, chest and hands to stimulate the production of new skin cells. Chemical peels use a liquid peeling agent to remove dead skin cells, promote skin rejuvenation and mild skin tightening.

Chemical peels effectively treat fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, acne and acne scars, sun-damaged skin, age spots, freckling, and help maintain general skin health. At our Denver skincare clinic, highly qualified and experienced medical aestheticians will properly assess your skin care needs and recommend the best skin peel for your unique skin type.

A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin and is an essential part of any good clinical skin care program. Our office is proud to offer a variety of both Glytone and VI Peels, so you and your aesthetician can help you find the best peel for your needs.

Additional Facial Treatments

Aesthetics by Design offers multiple facial services, including: