Facial Filler Prep + Care

Pre-Injection Recommendations

Patient should be in good overall health. Let us know if you are prone to cold sores. Medication may be prescribed prior to your appointment to prevent cold sores after your treatment. If you develop a cold sore, blemish or rash, etc., prior to your appointment, please reschedule. If you have a special event or vacation coming up, schedule your treatment two weeks in advance in case of bruising. If you are on antibiotics or are under a doctor’s care, please advise your injectionist prior to your appointment. Discontinue Retin-A 2 days before and 2 days after treatment.

Five Days Prior To Injection Treatment

Avoid taking Aspirin, NSAIDS (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen), all forms of Vitamin E, Green Tea, Fish Oil, large quantities of Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, and Niacin supplements. If you are on a blood thinning medication which you cannot stop, please alert your injectionist and realize that short-term bruising is inevitable. Note: Always check with your primary care physician prior to stopping any medication.

Steps to decrease bruising and or bleeding

Ice areas to be injected five to ten minutes per site on your way to your appointment. Drink 8oz of pineapple juice or nectar twice a day two to three days after injection(s) or take Arnica Montana tablets (follow package instructions) three to four days after your injections. Auriderm post-op gel may be applied topically two to three times a day after injections to help heal any bruising and is sold in our office for $18. We also sell VitaMedica Arnica Montana tablets in our office for $13. If you have any questions prior to your appointment, please contact us at 303-866-0180 or 303-839-7936.

Post-Op Care

Juvederm, Belotero, and BOTOX Post Care

What to expect afterwards

Bruising varies between patients. Usually minimum bruising occurs and resolves within 2-3 days. On occasion, bruising may be more significant and last up to seven to ten days. We suggest you take Arnica Montana (following package instructions) to avoid swelling & bruising starting 3 days prior to your injection appointment. It is normal to feel “firmness” in the injection area (s) for the first few days after treatment. Over time, the area will soften, leaving you with a natural looking result.

How to care for the injection site

Follow these post filler instructions to ensure your treatment runs its course effectively:

Avoid pressure on the treated area for 6 hours after treatment. During the post filler stage (after your injections) the area can be washed gently with soap and water, but do not scrub or exfoliate. Do not apply makeup or any other cosmetic product for at least 2 hours after your treatment. When applying makeup, apply it gently, avoiding strenuous rubbing of the injection site for the first two to three days afterwards. If you must touch the area, it is very important to wash your hands prior to doing so. Apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth as soon as possible following injection to help minimize swelling & bruising. Apply for 15 minutes to the injected sites, then rest 30 minutes. Repeat icing during the course of the evening on the day of your injection.

When to resume normal activities

Most patients return to their normal routine/activities immediately after post BOTOX and other dermal fillers. Sunbathing, excessive heat, such as sitting in a sauna or a tanning bed, is to be avoided until redness and swelling has subsided. Note: Do not exercise strenuously for the next 24 hours after the injection as this can increase swelling and slow the healing process.

Prompts to call our office for guidance

Please call our office if you are experiencing any other symptoms such as severe pain, unusual swelling or notice an area that is dark red, dark purple, or has pustules on the skin this could indicate an infection or adverse reaction. This should be reported immediately to our office. It is better to call immediately if any of these symptoms occur, rather than wait. 

BotoxDysport, and Xeomin Information + Instructions

Do not bend over, lay flat, workout, touch the area or wear a baseball cap for at least 4 hours post juvederm or other filler injections. Be sure to “scrunch and relax” facial muscles every 10 minutes over the next ½  hour. If this is your first treatment in our clinic, please schedule a follow-up appointment in 2 weeks for post treatment evaluation and photos. The use of Arnica Montana tablets (follow package instructions) or drinking 8oz. of pineapple juice a day for 3-5 days pre/post treatment may help with healing and bruising. Neurotoxins take 24-48 hours to begin working and results are often visible between 3-5 days, and at day 14 optimal results are seen. Be sure to set up an appointment to be retreated in 3-4 months unless otherwise instructed by your provider to maintain results. As your corrections continue to be successful, it is likely that over a period of time the amount of Neurotoxin used will likely decrease and the intervals of treatment will become further apart.

SCULPTRA Patient Information + Instructions

What to expect afterwards

Swelling and bruising varies depending on each individual’s tendency to bruise and on the extent and amount of injection. Usually there is minimal swelling and bruising, which resolves within two to three days. With extensive treatment bruising can be moderate and take seven to ten days to resolve. Bruising can be easily camouflaged with make-up. Some patients can also experience itching. We suggest you take Arnica Montana three tablets, three times a day as directed to avoid swelling and bruising starting three days prior to your injection appointment. Other side effects may include small lumps under the skin that are noticeable upon pressing on the treated area. These should dissipate naturally. You may experience mild to moderate stinging or aching sensations after the injections for a few days. Avoid alcohol for six hours after your treatment. Remember that Sculptra replaces lost collagen and works gradually over time. The full effects are not apparent for six to twelve weeks.

How to care for the injection site

Follow these post filler instructions to ensure your treatment doesn’t run into any issues:

Massage the treated area(s) three times a day for three to five minutes for three weeks post filler treatment. Apply a cold compress wrapped in a thin cloth as soon as possible following injection to help minimize swelling and bruising. Small baggies of frozen peas also work well. Apply for 15 minutes to the injected sites, then off for 30 minutes. Repeat icing during the course of the evening on the day of your injection. Do not apply makeup or any other cosmetic product for at least 4 hours after your treatment today. When applying makeup, apply it gently, avoiding strenuous rubbing of the injection site. It is very important to wash your hands prior to touching the area.

When to resume normal activities

Avoid the sun or use sunscreen for two weeks following injections. Note: do not perform exercise of any kind, other than light walking should be avoided for the next 24 hours as this can increase swelling and slow the healing process.

Prompts to call our office for guidance

If you are experiencing any other symptoms such as severe pain, unusual swelling or notice an area that is dark red, dark purple, or has pustules on the skin this could indicate an infection or adverse reaction. This should be reported immediately to our office. It is better to call immediately if any of these symptoms occur, rather than wait.