FaceTite + NeckTite
InMode FaceTite
Aesthetics by Design Medical Director, Mario Imola, MD, offers a novel procedure wherein patients can achieve dramatic aesthetic outcomes without a scalpel and the scars it can bring. FaceTite, a radiofrequency system utilizing Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL), is designed for neck and face contouring, reducing skin laxity and fatty deposits in the neck and jowls.
Better than a facelift
By avoiding incisions, patients are able to remain scar free while enjoying reduced post-procedural swelling and discomfort. This relatively benign process offers naturalistic results within two weeks, with marked results between six and twelve weeks.
Ideal Treatment areas
Any areas on the face and neck with saggy skin can be treated. This includes double chin, jowl line and other areas with deep lines, loose skin excess fat.
Minimally invasive procedure
FaceTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure, patients are able to return home, and resume regular activities shortly thereafter, though wearing a compression garment is required for best results.
Optimal Results widely reported
Patients were asked six months postoperatively to grade their satisfaction as poor, no change, moderate, good, and excellent; 85% of patients were satisfied with their contouring result, and 48/55 were pleased with the degree of skin tightening.