4 Ways to Reduce a Double Chin

There are two places that I look the absolute worst: sitting in my hair stylist's chair with a downlight directly above me and on any Zoom call. I probably spend more time staring at myself wondering if that’s actually how people see me than I do paying attention to the information being shared. In spite of setting up my computer strategically close to the best lighting, stacking several cookbooks under my laptop for a better angle, and wearing a color I don’t look washed out in, my face is still all shadows and my double chin taunts me. I totally understand why there was such an uptick in elective plastic surgery procedures once COVID restrictions were lifted.

The little fat pocket under the chin, also known as submental fat, can be so stubborn and not respond to weight loss efforts as much as other areas of the body. Even when you do have a reduction of fat in the area, loose skin might be left in its place. At Aesthetics by Design in Englewood, Colorado we have four distinct options that we discuss with patients to help reduce a fatty double chin.

If a non-surgical approach is what you’re looking for and you can pinch a true inch under your chin, you’re a candidate for CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting isn’t just for the body! During this treatment, a chilled applicator is put onto the troublesome area and freezes the fat. The frozen fat is then flushed out through your lymphatic system over a period of time. Two treatments four weeks apart usually give the patient the end result they are looking for. This is a pretty comfortable treatment to have done. The most awkward part is sitting with the applicator attached to your face.

Another non-surgical option is Kybella injections. Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that is injected into the submental area over a series of visits spaced four weeks apart. The acid damages the fat cell’s membrane, ultimately destroying it. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2015 and is still the only FDA-approved injectable to treat a double chin. During the treatment a patient might feel some pressure and a stinging sensation as the acid is injected. Swelling is the most common side effect and can last anywhere from a few days to three weeks. Most people need two to four sessions to get the best end point.

If the above didn’t give you the results you wanted, now it’s time to pull out the big guns. FaceTite by InMode is a minimally invasive option that our doctors perform in-office. FaceTite uses internal and external radio frequency energy to heat up both the fat and the underlying skin tissue. The doctors make two small pilot holes by the ears into which they insert a thin cannula with a heating element on the tip. They slide it back and forth to evenly heat the area. The heat kills the fat which your body then gets rid of and it also heats the skin, tightening the treated area. There’s definitely more downtime with this procedure. We recommend a patient wear a compression garment for four full days after to help with the swelling and then switch to just nights for a few more days. Be prepared for some bruising. Many times with the procedure we will also do Morpheus8, a radiofrequency microneedling technique that helps remove fat and tighten and remodel skin, for more impact. Morpheus8 can be done alone and will need at least three treatments for marked improvement.

The final option is good ol’ liposuction. This is also done in-office under light sedation for comfort. Lipo has the most immediate results since the fat is being physically removed from the submental area. With this procedure three small pilot holes are made, two by the ears and one under the chin. A cannula is inserted into the pilot holes and suction draws out the unwanted fat. Like FaceTite, you’ll wear a compression garment but it will be for 5 to 7 days. Bruising, tenderness, swelling, tightness, and temporary numbness are all normal side effects of liposuction.

No matter what route you choose, know that you don’t have to live with that pesky under-the-chin fat pocket. Like all aesthetic treatments, there is no magic wand and “perfect” is not a realistic endpoint. Aesthetics by Design in Englewood, Colorado would love to discuss all these options with you during a consultation.

If the above didn’t give you the results you wanted, now it’s time to pull out the big guns. FaceTite by InMode is a minimally invasive option that our doctors perform in-office. FaceTite uses internal and external radio frequency energy to heat up both the fat and the underlying skin tissue. The doctors make two small pilot holes by the ears into which they insert a thin cannula with a heating element on the tip. They slide it back and forth to evenly heat the area. The heat kills the fat which your body then gets rid of and it also heats the skin, tightening the treated area. There’s definitely more downtime with this procedure. We recommend a patient wear a compression garment for four full days after to help with the swelling and then switch to just nights for a few more days. Be prepared for some bruising. Many times with the procedure we will also do Morpheus8, a radiofrequency microneedling technique that helps remove fat and tighten and remodel skin, for more impact. Morpheus8 can be done alone and will need at least three treatments for marked improvement.

The final option is good ol’ liposuction. This is also done in-office under light sedation for comfort. Lipo has the most immediate results since the fat is being physically removed from the submental area. With this procedure three small pilot holes are made, two by the ears and one under the chin. A cannula is inserted into the pilot holes and suction draws out the unwanted fat. Like FaceTite, you’ll wear a compression garment but it will be for 5 to 7 days. Bruising, tenderness, swelling, tightness, and temporary numbness are all normal side effects of liposuction.

No matter what route you choose, know that you don’t have to live with that pesky under-the-chin fat pocket. Like all aesthetic treatments, there is no magic wand and “perfect” is not a realistic endpoint. Aesthetics by Design in Englewood, Colorado would love to discuss all these options with you during a consultation.


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